¡Cultura Poetry Night! features poets who identify as Chicana/o, Latinx, and people with Indigenous heritage rooted in areas that are now Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. A multilingual event with two featured poets, guest poets, and open mic! Everyone is welcome at this inclusive event presented by Poetry Center San José, hosted by Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo, in partnership with La Raíz Magazine.
Dr. Victoria Bañales is a Chicanx writer, teacher, mother, and activist. She is a member of the Hive Poetry Collective, Writers of Color-Santa Cruz County, and editor of Journal X. Her writing has appeared in The Acentos Review, Cloud Women’s Quarterly, North Dakota Quarterly, and more. She is a Macondo Fellow and the recipient of two best poetry awards and a teaching excellence award. She teaches English at Cabrillo College and lives in Watsonville, CA.
GusTavo Adolfo Guerra Vásquez uses he and TheY pronouns. His art and writing have been recently featured in Fingir’s “Somewhere between” exhibition, “Arte Latino Now/ Label me Latino/a,” The Coiled Serpent, and The Wandering Song. During quarantine, GusTavo gathered an array of poets, including wonderful voices from the San Jo(sé) area, in the #PoeticPandemic virtual poetry readings.
Open-mic: Please sign up using the following form: (bit.ly/laraizopenmic). The first five sign ups will be confirmed via email, the rest will be added to the standby list. You may also sign up within 10 minutes before the event. If possible, there will be a last call before the open mic segment begins.
Share this Event: http://bit.ly/culturapoetry316
Facebook: @poetrycentersanjose @vicky.banales.56 @guatemalangelino @ejmontelongo
Instagram: @poetrycentersanjose @poetaartista @laraizmagazine @elizabethjimenezmontelongo